Love-The All Encompassing Energy of the Divine

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From the Book

Love, Sex, Nakedness and the Divine

By Keith Higgs


Love – The All Encompassing Energy of the Divine

‘Divine Love play me as an instrument in Your finely tuned orchestra of Life. – Kristine Carlson

Love surrounds us in its many forms. From the morning warmth of a new day’s sunshine to the warm glow of an evening fire which is overlooked by a cosmic band of sparkling starlight sharing its incredible celestial beauty. The sound of playful children laughing. The passion of lovers with energy darting between their eyes, moving to passionate embrace and the ecstasies of lovemaking, lost in moments of pure bliss. The beauty of a flower, which is opening, waiting, hoping to be pollinated and bring forth fruit, to be part of the creation of more of its own. The unselfish love of a mother for her child. She is often sacrificing her time, health and even life, to give life, protect and nurture her offspring.

There are many beautiful pictures in our world of this all-encompassing and Divine Energy. We can look in amazement at its power. It is a force that can’t be measured and is only seen through its effects, and through its manifestations, through objects and beings in this physical realm.

Our Sun is a perfect picture it continually expends its all-powerful energy, sending warmth and light into the universe and to our planet. It seeming receives nothing in return, constantly giving. We on, our planet, are placed in a perfect location, not too close and not too far away to receive the ideal temperature range necessary for our well being and survival. Could all this be coincidence or are these all wonderful pictures and signs for us, so we can see and recognise the beauty and wisdom of this Divine Love?

There are many facets or types and pictures of Love, but they all seem to have similar messages of beauty, connection and giving.

We are told the Golden Rule, or only law is to Love, and without Love we are nothing. So what could we be, but Love incarnate looking to experience and enjoy itself and its all-encompassing power?

If we truly open our eyes and shed any false imposed beliefs and fears, what lessons and messages can we see, in these very pictures, and in nature and life? What conclusions can we come to?

My conclusion: We are the offspring of that incredible force of Love, the Power that is Everything. Sometimes we make mistakes and become mischievous children, but we are still loved, nurtured and protected as a part of the vast family of humanity. We are headed towards an eventual reunion and understanding of our true natures. What is your conclusion?

In Spirit, when we shed our mortal pictures, ideas, illusions, and human skins, along with the cloaking of our bodies in this life and dimension. We too are the Energy of Love.

Again, at the deepest level, this is All there is!


Read More: A Birthday Message from Love

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